Alle 22:22, mercoledě 1 dicembre 2004, Nočl Köthe ha scritto:
> Am Dienstag, den 30.11.2004, 10:38 +0100 schrieb Mauro Tortonesi:
> Hello Mauro
> >
> just interested: any reason why you dont use ?
> just asking because wget is a gnu project.

hi nočl,

very simple: because i don't have the root password on savannah ;-)

BTW, i also find that roundup is a pretty cool bug trackind system. very 
simple to use and to maintain (bugzilla and RT would have been overkill for 
wget), extremely flexible (can be used with almost any open source db as 
backend storage) and extendible (as it is written in python).

> > it will definitely be an invaluable tool for the coordination of the
> > development effort behind GNU wget.
> Great. I will forward reported bugs from the Debian user
> ( to your bug system.

that would be really great!!! i was taking a look at your bug system just 
yesterday in order to find some more info on the second of the 3 patches 
you've sent me and i've found it very interesting and well maintained.

> > if i don't find any major problem, i am planning to release wget 1.9.2
> > with LFS support and a long list of bugfixes before the end of the year.
> IMHO LFS support would be a good reason not just to increase the minor
> number. 1.10 :)

yes, that's a very good idea! ;-)

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.
Institute of Human & Machine Cognition
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux  
Ferrara Linux User Group       

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