Alle 04:08, martedì 11 gennaio 2005, hai scritto:
> El 10/01/2005, a las 20:43, Mauro Tortonesi escribió:
> >> (Yes, there are no doubt some web-based archives of the mailing list,
> >> such
> >> as <>, but there's no
> >> single
> >> official archive linked to from the official wget page or in the wget
> >> documentation.)
> >
> > well, the official wget page:
> >
> >
> >
> > reports the following URLs:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > as mailing list archives. perhaps you're suggesting we should choose
> > one of
> > them as the "official" one?
> I guess the problem is that none of them are official are they?, and
> there's no guarantee that they'll continue to be provided. The
> information is out there, but it can be hard to find.

unfortunately, you're right.

> In fact, I think information about wget is generally hard to find. Consider 
> that there's the official wget web page, then the page at 
> <> which could easily be mistaken for the official 
> page too.

yes, since the wget website is just a couple of pages of text, according to 
the FSF policy i moved the official wget page from to unfortunately, i got access to the site only 
yesterday (and i haven't checked if it works yet), so i will start making 
changes on that server soon.

> The mailing list archives are on three unrelated domains. 

yes. actually, i don't even know who is in charge of managing those archives. 
shame on me :-(

> The new bug tracker is at <> but I only 
> found that  using Google.

yes, i haven't published that address on the website yet. read below.

> The older, unofficial bug tracker at <> might 
> still turn up for some people searching at Google, too.

i think you're wrong this time. IIRC, that one is the bug tracker for the 
debian package of wget.

> That's a lot of  domains. 

unfortunately, you're right. but i don't think having a lot of domains would 
be really a problem if the information on the main page would be more 

> > this is my fault. i tested the code under linux and it worked well. i
> > didn't have any other platform to test it so i did what developers are
> > supposed to do in this case: just commit the code and wait for someone 
> > like you to send a bug report ;-)
> Fair enough. Unfortunately I didn't know enough about using CVS from
> the command line to find out exactly what had changed. I would have
> liked to look at the repository using cvsweb, but I only discovered
> <> (found via Google) while
> doing the research for this email I'm writing now. I then went back to
> the wget website and found <>.

well, i am sorry for that, but this was stated in the official wget website, 
on the development page:

this time it is your fault ;-)

> Now, it's not that I am a stupid person, or that I refuse to read. On
> the contrary, I have tried to read the wget website, but it just
> doesn't lend itself to being read. It's easy to overlook things.
> Usability studies show that humans scan and read websites in a
> different way than they read books.

oh, i don't think you're stupid at all! instead i really appreciate your 
interest, your information usability analysis and the suggestions you are 

> Compare the wget website to some other open source projects like GCC
> (<>) and Subversion
> (<>).

well, i understand your point and i agree with you on this, but i can think of 
almost 1000 different open source related websites (e.g. the libtool, gaim 
and python) that are much better than the gcc and subversion websites, as i 
don't really like those two sites.

> These sites have a navigation bar on the side, and that's what the wget site 
> should have too, I would argue. The closest thing the wget website has is 
> its table of contents: 
>   * Introduction to GNU wget
>   * News
>   * Downloading GNU wget
>   * The GNU wget FAQ
>   * Documentation
>   * Mailing lists
>   * Request an Enhancement
>   * Report a Bug
>   * Add-ons
>   * Development of GNU wget
>   * Maintainer
> I would argue that instead of the table of contents there should be a
> navigation sidebar with a structure something like the following:
>   * About GNU wget
>   * News
>   * Download
>   --> Mirrors
>   --> Binaries
>   --> CVS
>   * Support
>   --> FAQ
>   --> Documentation
>   --> Mailing lists
>   * Contributing
>   --> Request an enhancement
>   --> Report a bug
>   --> Developer's guide
>   --> CVS access
>   * External links
>   --> Add-ons
> That's just a rough idea, but it would bring it in line with what
> people expect based on the vast majority of websites out there.

that's a very good idea!

> As it is, things are very confusing. The wget project is spread out
> over half a dozen unrelated domains and even more subdomains. There's a
> "discussion" list and a patches list. Users wishing to report a bug are
> told to post it to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but that just forwards to the
> "discussion" list (why aren't users told to use bug tracker?). 
> Users wishing to request an enhancement are told to post it to the 
> discussion list (strictly speaking, enhancement request belong in the bug 
> tracker too, don't they?).

yes, i've had only a very limited time to work on the website and i didn't 
want to make big changes, but just to update the information.

for what regards the bug tracker, what you say is right. the only reason for 
which i didn't give the announcement on the website is that i am not very 
familiar with bug trackers and i thought that at first i could just fill in 
the tracker database myself copying user reports from the mailing list, in 
order not to pollute the database with user reports and requests.

now that i have been using roundup for some time and i have been impressed by 
how easy to use it is, i think we should really change policy and start 
asking users to submit features whislists and bug reports via the bug 

> I know that your principal concern right now Mauro is working on the
> code, so please don't take all these comments about the wget website as
> demands that you do something about it. I merely wanted to put these
> thoughts on the record and hear what other people think about them.

oh, not at all! believe me or not, i really appreciate your email.

> I would like to see all of this disparate stuff cleaned up and put on a
> single, easy to navigate server. 

now, this would be really a great idea! would you be interested in taking care 
of the new website design/development?

> It would be useful to know some kind of usage statistics (traffic, number of 
> users) so as to know what kind of sponsorship would be needed to set that 
> kind of thing up. 

i don't think we need a new server to setup such a website, as we could as 
well use or (the server that hosts 
our bug tracker).

> > i'll fix this problem ASAP. anyway, i suddenly realize string.h is
> > probably a very poor choice for a filename to be included in wget.
> For the record, strings.h would probably be a bad choice also. That is
> also the name of a system header file on Mac OS X.
> -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  4886 14 Sep  2003 /usr/include/string.h
> -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  2874 14 Sep  2003 /usr/include/strings.h
> On FreeBSD (4.x, at least) those files are at:
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   4208 Dec 25  2001 /usr/src/include/string.h
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1895 May 24  1994 /usr/src/include/strings.h

yes, we have to come up with a bugfix and/or a different name for strings.h.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.
Institute of Human & Machine Cognition
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux  
Ferrara Linux User Group       

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