File Rejection (-R) does not appear to be working, etc.

The following does not do what I expected it to do:

/usr/sfw/bin/wget -R .db,LCK,[Ll][Oo][Gg],[Cc]opy?[Oo]f -P
/d0/denStageSvrUC -nH -m -X /apps,/.DAV/_notes

It does not reject files such as "log" (anycase) and "copy?of" however,
it does reject "LCK" and ".db" files as expected.  I need it to reject
"log" anycase found anywahere in the "tree".

It only rejects directories ".DAV" and "_notes" directly under root (as
suspected).  I need it to reject directories: ".DAV" and "_notes" no
matter where in the "tree" they are found. 



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