"Tanton Gibbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm setting up a site for my company to allow people to get certain
> files out of our company repository.  Basically, I want people to be
> able to write the following:
> wget http://servername/~tgibbs/FileWanted.rpm
> However, the files are stored someplace else and I don't want to
> mirror them.  Therefore, I have set up an ErrorDocument in apache
> that on 404 errors redirects to another page.  The second page, then
> determines the referring URI and serves up the correct rpm.  This
> works fine if I'm using internet explorer, but wget gives me a 404
> error :-( For some reason, it is not following the internal
> redirect.

Unlike IE, Wget doesn't show error responses to the user, so it can't
follow the redirect embedded in HTML.  (And Wget doesn't follow them
anyway, unless you use -r.)

> Does anyone know a way around this?

I think a more correct way would be to use a rewrite rule to handle
misspelled URLs.  The rewrite should generate a real redirection,
which would work with all browsers.

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