Hello Hrvoje!

 On Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 12:50:41 AM +0200, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

> "HonzaCh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> the thousand separator (space according to my local settings)
>> displays as "รก" (character code 0xA0, see attch.)
> Wget obtains the thousand separator from the operating system using
> the `localeconv' function.

    I did not test wget, but believe Win32 console apps have to
setlocale(LC_ALL, ".OCP") before, so localeconv() gives a CP-852 no
break space 0xFF. It selects current locale (from control panel), but
with console OEM Code Page.

    The "standard" setlocale(LC_ALL, "") selects the ANSI Code Page 1250
of graphic apps, where no break space is 0xA0.

Bye!    Alain.
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