

If we invoke wget with the following URL, it completes successfully.


wget --spider "http://wlstst1:8196/epharm.war/analysisstepcompletion?TOKEN=3hU2g0HErOFMcBlTsvBrI%2F6MRJM%3D&STEP_ID=27926&JOB_ID=459707"


--07:45:23--  http://wlstst1:8196/epharm.war/analysisstepcompletion?TOKEN=3hU2g0HErOFMcBlTsvBrI%2F6MRJM%3D&STEP_ID=27926&JOB_ID=459707

           => `analysisstepcompletion?TOKEN=3hU2g0HErOFMcBlTsvBrI%2F6MRJM%3D&STEP_ID=27926&JOB_ID=459707'

Resolving wlstst1... done.

Connecting to wlstst1[]:8196... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 0

200 OK


If invoked using the DNS alias for the test cluster, it fails after several retries. (we have two servers in the cluster)


wget –spider



--07:46:01--  http://epharm-tst:8196/epharm.war/analysisstepcompletion?TOKEN=3hU2g0HErOFMcBlTsvBrI%2F6MRJM%3D&STEP_ID=27926&JOB_ID=459707

           => `analysisstepcompletion?TOKEN=3hU2g0HErOFMcBlTsvBrI%2F6MRJM%3D&STEP_ID=27926&JOB_ID=459707'

Resolving epharm-tst... done.

Connecting to epharm-tst[]:8196... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response...

Read error (Connection reset by peer) in headers.




The problem does not occur on the linux nodes  ( with wget 1.10.1).


Do you have any thoughts as to what might be causing this?


Devendra Kommineni
Middle Tier Services,
Pfizer Global Research & Development Informatics
Location: T274/239G (Eastern Point Rd, Groton)
Ph: (860)-715-6610
Web Site: http://pgrdi.pfizer.com/ce/mtsa/mts.shtml


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