> Dear Mauro,
>   Yes we have installed those prerequsite package but still failed. 
> We have tried the PA-RISC depot and it works although we are using 
> Itanium platform. We have tried another development machine and
> the result is the same. So I suspect the depot information should
> be incorrect.

hi cheng,

do you have a compiler on your machine? maybe you should just try to
install wget from sources.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi                          http://www.tortonesi.com

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.    http://www.ing.unife.it
GNU Wget - HTTP/FTP file retrieval tool  http://www.gnu.org/software/wget
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux            http://www.deepspace6.net
Ferrara Linux User Group                 http://www.ferrara.linux.it

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