
I use wget to download the same file in regular intervals
(price list). And I caught myself renaming files programmatically
(even in several projetcs) after they were downloaded by wget
and named file.1 file.2 etc.

Why I need this: one day I take the downloaded files from downlddir/
and move them into backupdir/. Two days later I move downlddir/*
to backupdir/*  again. They would overwrite those already in
backupdir/ because wget restarted numbering when it found
empty downlddir/ on day 1.

I guess it would relatively easy and quite useful to add an option
to name file.20070426142800 file.20070426142955 ... instead just numbers.

Thank you, wget is excellent tool anyway.

SDF Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf.lonestar.org

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