Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What is the status of the wget-patches list: is it being actively
> used/monitored? Does it still serve its original purpose?

Mauro and I are subscribed to it.  The list served its purpose while
Wget was actively maintained.  It's up to you whether to preserve it
or replace it with a bug tracker patch submission process.

> A brief glance at the archives seems to suggest that, for one reason
> or another, it may be suffering a larger spam problem than the main
> list; is this accurate?

It's true.  The main Wget list allows posting from non-subscribers,
but requires an authentication response; that has worked well to
prevent spam.  The patches list doesn't have such a mechanism
installed, which results in more spam.  (Of course, it still uses the
general antispam filter installed on the site, or the quantity of spam
would be unbearable.)

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