I am calling wget from ruby with the following arguments
ARGS = "--html-extension " +
        "--page-requisites " +
        "--force-directories " +
        "--convert-links "  +
        "--directory-prefix=#{BASE}/cache " +
        "--timestamping " +
        "--user-agent='#{UA}' " +
        "--output-file=#{TLOG} "

On Mac OS X the (sanitised) log output looks like this

--16:56:33--  http://xx.blogs.com/xx/2007/03/carbon_offsets.html
           => `/dirnames/xx.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2007/03/carbon_offsets.html'
Resolving xx.blogs.com...
Connecting to xx.blogs.com||:80... connected.

On CentOS it looks like this

--16:50:49--  http://xx.blogs.com/prawfsblawg/2007/03/carbon_offsets.html
Resolving xx.blogs.com...
Connecting to xx.blogs.com||:80... connected.

Note the line beginning '=>' giving the filename is missing on CentOS,
unfortunately I was using this for validation. Any idea why there is a
difference between the 2 platforms? Any idea how I can get the output
filename shown on all platforms?


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