Ian Hickson wrote:
On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
The <body> will always be implied, though.

Not in a conforming SGML parser...

Yeah, I meant in browsers, not per SGML.

Ok, fair enough. But can you explain why Opera doesn't when in standards-compliant mode, as I explained in my previous e-mail. Is it a bug or intentional?

According to the HTML spec, the handling of the above is completely undefined since it is invalid. (Note that something being invalid or non-conformant does _not_ make the rendering undefined in most cases in Web Apps 1 / HTML5. That's one of the main things I'm making sure of.)

Ok, if the spec is going to address this, then I think it should say something like:

  "If a required element with an optional start-tag is entirely missing
   from the document, a user agent *may* imply it and include it within
   the DOM.  Missing elements with required start-tags *must not* be
   automatically implied.

  "Note: It is common for existing user agents to automatically imply
   both the head and body elements, even when those sections are omitted
   entirely from the document markup."

I used "may", because if "must" or "should" were used instead, it may conflict with anything the SGML spec says on the matter and it would make OpenSP, and thus the validator, non-conformant. I would stick with "may" because, as I showed previously, existing UAs don't do the same for <tbody>.

I included the part about start-tags because elements like <li> (which require a start-tag) do not be implied by existing UAs when they are missing.

Also, while on the topic of handling invalid documents, is this spec going to attempt to address the <x><y></x></y> problem?

However, if the <body> element were to be automatically implied regardless, then the same would be true of the <tbody> element...
Neither Mozilla or Opera implies the missing tbody element within <table></table>, although IE does. However, OpenSP does not imply the missing elements in either case.

<tbody> is implied if there is a <tr> there.

Yes, exactly, just like <body> is implied if there is a <p>, <div>, or other element/content there; but not if there isn't.

Opera and OpenSP correctly don't imply the missing head element.

I'm not sure what you mean by "correctly" here

Well, I read somewhere that OpenSP is "the reference implementation" of SGML, so I assumed that means what it does is correct. In this case, Opera showed the same behaviour so I called it correct as well. However, if this behaviour is not defined in SGML at all, then I should not have said "correctly" either.

since an HTML4 document without a <title> is invalid and thus parsing
is undefined in HTML4.

Is it not defined by SGML either? I really must get a copy of Goldfarb's SGML Handbook later and check for sure.

If there is a <title> then the <head> must be implied per SGML.


Lachlan Hunt
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