On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 13:55 +0300, ROBO Design wrote:
> Hello!
> I took a closer look into the source code of both of the specifications.  
> Interestingly, you don't use XHTML 1.0 strict, you stick to valid HTML  
> 4.01 Strict (no </html> !).

I stick to HTML 4.01 Strict too. Why not? I don't see any advantage in
using XHTML for this spec, and as has been pointed out, IE doesn't
support XHTML.

All I can think of about the lack of an </html> is -- well, it's not
finished, is it? :)

> Now ... both of the specs contain some of your notes, commented at the  
> end. I'm sure this is useful for you while writing the specs, but WF 2  
> Final shouldn't have any personal comments at the end of the document  
> (about future versions). Same applies to WA 1.0 near finalisation.

My personal view on this is that it doesn't really matter, except for
the final version.

> Another suggestion would be ... split the WA 1.0 specification in multiple  
> pages, one for each main section. Reason: the spec is already about 800kb  
> and still has many section TBW. It's too big to load all at once :). I  
> like the way W3C did with CSS 2 and some other specs (even if they also  
> have some huge specs in a single file, like VoiceXML 2).

I don't think it needs splitting up; I find find-as-you-type to be more
intuitive than figuring out someone else's navigational hierarchy, and
the spec is not that huge. Gzip would be nice though.

> Last, but not least, please let us know about the advantages of using  
> lang="en-GB-hixie". I'm really curious about the reason for doing so. Do  
> you recommend I use lang="en-robodesign" (and "ro-robodesign") on my site  
> :) ?

If you define the language en-robodesign and you have sufficient reason
to not use en-gb, en-us, etc. instead (e.g. an important difference that
would possibly cause meanings to come across in an incorrect manner),
then why not?

Jasper Bryant-Greene
General Manager
Album Limited

w: http://www.album.co.nz/
p: 0800 4 ALBUM (0800 425 286) or +64 21 232 3303
a: PO Box 579, Christchurch 8015, New Zealand

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