Hi all.

I forgot who asked for real world examples of using <CENTER>. I think that it might have been Anne, but unfortunately, I deleted the email already, and thus can't reply to it.

Here is an example that I'm working on now. I'm trying to make a flyer/brochure to hand out to businesses after talking to them. I hope that they will consider giving me merchandise to use as prizes for a poker club that I'm trying to start. There is absolutely no intent for me to post this on the web. I may do that in the future, but definitely not in the foreseeable future. The content is changed, but hopefully it'll make sense.

<CENTER>Marketing Opportunity</CENTER>

<DIV><H1>What I Want To Do</H1>
<P>content describing poker club that I'm trying to set up...lorem ipsum...</P>

<DIV><H1>What I Would Like You To Do</H1>
<P>content describing what I'm asking the businesses to do and how I intend to give them value for giving me their products or gift certificates to be used as prizes...lorem ipsum...</P>

<DIV><H1>Misc. Info</H1>

<LI>my name</LI>
<LI>my contact info</LI>

[note: I admit that my coding style may be unusual]

The example is overkill to demonstrate just 1 line of code, but I want to strongly emphasize through demonstration that <CENTER> is used very sparingly and only on specific locations. In this case, it is used as a title.

I refuse to use <H1> as a title, based on my own principles that there can be only 1 title, just as there can be only 1 document root. There can be multiple headings, but not mulitiple titles for each document.

Web sites can contain many pages, and thus many page titles throughout the site, but there shouldn't really be more than 1 title throughout each site's page. If the designer wants to lower the status of the text from title to heading, then it should be possible to do so, but in that case it would be a heading, and not a title. For example:

lorem ipsum...
lorem ipsum...

Typically, those 2 chunks of content would have their own pages, and probably their own directories. However, for a very small organization with very little changing content, it would be very reasonable to have it all on 1 page.

I hope that clarifies things.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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