Shadow2531 wrote:

I was *messing* around with 2 different *examples*.


That one supports:

If the string has spaces in it, it's considered that nothing will
match and returns null.
If it's an array, all must be present for an element to match.


Now this one supports the same 2 types, but the string handling is
different. The string is space-separated.

So, with this second example, you can do:

document.getElementsByClassName(["bbb", "ccc"]);
document.getElementsByClassName("bbb ccc");

(The second 2 produce the same result. The 3rd one might just be
cleaner in certain situations)

I'm liking what options the second example provides. (not necessarily
the code as I just threw it together and didn't think about
exceptions, optimization and code size. Plus I just used a global
function for the example.)

Do you agree with the string being space-separated?
It seems to make sense at least for html where a classname can't have spaces.

looks good to me, the only quirk of this would be that you cant choose class="foo bar" specifically over class="foo" with gebcn("foo bar") but if this is the stated behaviour then i guess that's ok.

on a side note, it might also be worth stating that in this case gebcn("foo bar") should only return the class="foo bar" element once, not twice (one instance for "foo" and one instance for "bar"). just for completeness


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