Henri Sivonen wrote:

I have now assessed the damage. It is not as bad as it looked like. :-)

Despite a flood of error messages, there were only three causes:
1) Can't have wild card attributes on wild card elements in the wild card content models of the script and style elements. (Not a big deal. It is reasonable to restrict them to known style and script languages.)

That seems odd. You should be able to say "the content model of this element
is anything".

2) Jing complains about the IDREFness altering co-occurrence constraint between valuetype and value on the param element.
3) It appears that in RELAX NG an attribute can't be allowed to take the empty string if the attribute has the IDREFS nature. This is a problem with the form attribute.
See: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rng-users/message/422

Does moving the choice up higher help any?


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