Le 1 nov. 2006 à 22:01, Jonathan Worent a écrit :

I think this is a good idea. Caption could be used with just about any embedded content.

Taking cues form the label element for forms you could either make the association explicit by
wrapping the caption around the element its captioning
   <embed ...>
   A funny video of a man being hit in the groin by a football

or make the association implicit by using the for attribute
<embed id="funnyVid" ...>
<caption for="funnyVid">A funny video of a man being hit in the groin by a football</caption>

I think what would work best for this is the <figure> element I've proposed back in june:

      <caption>Some caption here</caption>

where "..." could be an image, flash or video content, inline or external SVG or MathML or anything else. It could be made of block- level HTML elements too: <code> could be used for captioned code snippets, paragraphs and headers could be used when you need a sample document, etc. I see no reason to be restrictive on the kind of content that can be captioned.

Michel Fortin

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