On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:41:12 +0100, Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
About that, I would like to suggest that the current text be changed to reserve class names starting with a dash "-" for private use. That way that we would have a pool of class names which are guarantied to not be taken over later when new predefined class names are added.

Surely it would make much more sense to have all the predefined class names start with a dash? After all, XHTML5 is not yet standardised, whereas people have been using all sorts of random class names for years - but, I suspect, mostly without a leading dash.

This is similar to the C/C++ thing of having reserved symbols like __LINE__ start with an underscore.

Surely it would make much more sense to have HTML parsers should stop at the first error too. This is similar to C/C++ compilers throwing an error at you.

Anne van Kesteren

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