Le Sun, 11 Mar 2007 15:35:09 +0200, Daniel Glazman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

Just as a reminder, and I am an old monkey in the world of standards
bodies, a standard body is not only a cool place where friendly geeks
meet, drink (sometimes) free beer, and write standards for the beauty
of standards.

A standards body is a battlefield, where organizations want to push
THEIR OWN competitive advantage, be the first one to blabla, the best
one to blabla, where they hope to be THE solution's provider when
multiple solutions are on the table because THEY can implement it before

I am sure of that. Everyone wants to push its own competitive advantage. That's good, as long as several ones "win" the battle (not only one "wins" everything) - otherwise we would really end having a monoculture.

As a reminder too, the IE team went from /dev/null to A BIG TEAM.

Going from /dev/null to A BIG TEAM is sure great, but there's a bit of salt in that: it's disappointing the fact they had no team at all for IE.

Last point, without IE, CSS wouldn't be what it is today. Without IE,
many W3C standards including the DOM would not be what they are today.
I can't count how many clever ideas Microsoft submitted to W3C WGs.

I know this piece of web browsers history.

Ironically, yes, Microsoft did push many innovative ideas into the Web, and then they abandoned the Web in 2001-2. Probably this is what annoys me most (and others as well): they abandoned the Web, leaving us with a buggy implementations of CSS, DOM, HTML, etc. I find it somewhat "outrageous" to have to spend days (and some spend nights as well) just to make a site work in IE - just because it has a huge market share. It is for *that* reason alone we are most tired of it.

And because Microsoft stopped improving IE, more and more web sites continued to rely on the bugs.

Please stop seeing the Great Evil Empire or you won't be able to
sit with them at a standardization table...


We will have to wait and see what the big team will do for IE.next.

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