Adrian Sutton wrote:

The issue isn't that it's hard to fix the WYSIWYG editor, the issue is that
it's hard to fix all the rest of the systems the client wants and the fact
that clients tend to want a font menu in their editor otherwise they
completely eliminate it from consideration without even talking to the
vendor. It's simple to make the font menu apply fonts using a span tag and
inline styles but that's no better than using a font tag and it breaks some
backend processing systems (PDF generation being the one that I encounter

Leaving aside the broken backends and focusing on the desire for the font menu, I don't understand what sort of workflows we're talking about here. Would you mind giving a bit more typical context, as with the use-cases at:

I'd have assumed corporate clients generating PDF would want to set fonts globally or configure styles to match their own branding guidelines.

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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