Dnia 14-12-2007, Pt o godzinie 16:20 +0900, Karl Dubost pisze:

> Not to say that it creates localization troubles. For exactly the same  
> meaning:
>     TV in English  => télé in French
>     acronym           abbr
> And what is supposed to do an automatic translator when translating  
> something from English to Chinese for example. Drop the markup for  
> acronym in some cases? Example
>    English
>    <abbr title="telephone">Tel.</abbr>: +86-10-8498-5588
>    Chinese
>    电话: +86-10-8498-5588

Clearly, an automatic translator is a very sophisticated piece of
software.  It has much more complicated tasks to do than just that.  We
can reasonably expect the translator to handle this case correctly as

Best regards,

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