Hi Charles,

It was my understanding that video controls should be able to be added
through style sheet mechanisms. Thus, there is no pre-set
specification, but it is rather left to the web page designer. The
javascript API will allow to hook up the controls with the video
player. The controls could be overlayed over the video or added to any
side of it or left out completely - just as the web page designer
desires. Thus, they are outside the specification of the standard,


On Jan 28, 2008 9:06 AM, Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Apologies in advance if I've missed these details in the specification.
> The <video> element supports width and height.  Does this include the 
> additional area needed (if necessary) by the controls?  It strikes me that it 
> shouldn't, since it would be odd for the video width and height to change 
> when non-video "decorators" are shown/hidden.
> I don't see a "standard" controls height and width, which is fine, but will 
> there be read-only attributes for the width, height and position for controls?
> -- Charles

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