I think a major problem with raw TCP connections is that they would be
the nightmare of every administrator. If web pages could use every
sort of homebrew protocol on all possible ports, how could you still
sensibly configure a firewall without the danger of accidentally
disabling mary sue grandmother's web application?

This already happens. Just yesterday we (an ISP) had a company unable to access webmail on port 81 due to an overzealous firewall administrator. But how is a web server on port 81 more unsafe than one on 80? It isn't the port that matters, it's the applications that may (or may not) be using them that need to be controlled. Port-based blocking of whole networks is a fairly naive approach today. Consider that the main reason for these "nazi firewalls" is two-fold: 1.) to prevent unauthorised/unproductive activities (at schools, libraries or workplaces); and
2.) to prevent viruses connecting out.

Port-blocking to resolve these things doesn't work anymore since:
1.) even without plugins a "Web 2.0" browser provides any number of games, chat sites and other 'time-wasters'; and 2.) free (or compromised) web hosting can provide viruses with update and control mechanisms without creating suspicion by using uncommon ports; and 3.) proxies exist (commercial and free) to tunnel any type of traffic over port 80.

On the other hand port control interferes with legitimate services (like running multiple web servers on a single IP). So what I'm saying here is that network admins can do what they want but calling the policy of blocking non-standard ports "sensible" and then basing standards on it is another thing. It's pretty obvious that port-based firewalling will be obsoleted by protocol sniffing and IP/DNS black/whitelists sooner rather than later.

Your argument misses the point anyway. Using your browser as an IRC client is no different to downloading mIRC or using a web-based chat site. The genie of running "arbitrary services" from a web client escaped the bottle years ago with the introduction of javascript and plugins. We are looking at "browser as a desktop" rather than "browser as a reader" and I don't think that's something that will ever be reversed. Since we're on the threshold of the "Web Applications" age, and this is the Web Applications Working Group we should be doing everything we can to enable those applications while maintaining security. Disarming the browser is a valid goal ONLY once we've exhausted the possibility of making it safe.

Also keep in mind the issue list Ian brought up in the other mail.
Things like URI based adressing and virtual hosting would not be
possible with raw TCP. That would make this feature a lot less useable
for authors that do not have full access over their server, like in
shared hosting situations, for example.
I fail to see how virtual hosting will work for this anyway. I mean we're not talking about Apache/IIS here, we're talking about custom applications, scripts or devices - possibly implemented in firmware or "a few lines of perl". Adding vhost control to the protocol is just silly since the webserver won't ever see the request and the customer application should be able to use any method it likes to differentiate its services. Even URI addressing is silly since again the application may have no concept of "paths" or "queries". It is simply a service running on a port. The only valid use case for all this added complexity is proxying but nobody has tested yet whether proxies will handle this (short of enabling encryption, and even that is untested).

I'm thinking here that this proposal is basically rewriting the CGI protocol (web server handing off managed request to custom scripts) with the ONLY difference being the asynchronous nature of the request. Perhaps more consideration might be given to how the CGI/HTTP protocols might be updated to allow async communication.

Having said that I still see a very strong use case for low-level client-side TCP and UDP. There are ways to manage the security risks that require further investigation. Even if it must be kept same-domain that is better than creating a new protocol that won't work with existing services. Even if that sounds like a feature - it isn't. There are better ways to handle access-control for non-WebConnection devices than sending garbage to the port.

> [If a] protocol is decided on, and it is allowed to connect to any IP-address
> - then DDOS attacks can still be performed: If one million web
> browsers connect to any port on a single server, it does not matter
> which protocol the client tries to communicate with. The server will
> still have problems.

Couldn't this already be done today, though? You can already today
connect to an arbitrary server on an arbitrary port using forms,
<img>, <script src=""> and all other references that cannot be
cross-domain protected for backwards compatibillity reasons. The whole
hotlinking issue is basically the result of that.
How would WebSocket connections be more harmful than something like

  var img = new Image();
  img.src = "http://victim.example.com/"; + generateLongRandomString();
}, 1000);

for example would?
It's more harmful because an img tag (to my knowledge) cannot be used to brute-force access, whereas a socket connection could. With the focus on DDOS it is important to remember that these sockets will enable full read/write access to arbitrary services whereas existing methods can only write once per connection and generally not do anything useful with the response.


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