>> able to use any method it likes to differentiate its services. Even URI
>> addressing is silly since again the application may have no concept of
>> "paths" or "queries". It is simply a service running on a port. The only
>> valid use case for all this added complexity is proxying but nobody has
>> tested yet whether proxies will handle this (short of enabling encryption,
>> and even that is untested).

I think we should have both a pure TCPSocket, and also a ServerSocket
that keeps the same connection as the original document was downloaded
from. The ServerSocket will make it very easy for web developers to
work with, since the ServerSocket object will be available both from
the server side and the client side while the page is being generated.
I am posting a separate proposal that describes my idea soon.

> Actually, I've already tested this protocol against some typical forward
> proxy setups and it hasn't caused any problems so far.

Could you test keeping the same connection as the webpage was fetched
from, open? So that when the server script responds with its HTML-code
- the connection is not closed, but used for kept alive for two way

This gives the following benefits:

The script on the server decides if the connection should be closed or
kept open. (Protection against DDOS attacks)

This allows implementing server side listening to client side events,
and vice versa. If this works, then the XMLHttpRequest object could be
updated to allow two way communications in exactly the same way.

Also, by adding a SessionID header sent from the client (instead of
storing session ids in cookies), the web server could transparently
rematch any client with its corresponding server side process in case
of disconnect.

>> I'm thinking here that this proposal is basically rewriting the CGI
>> protocol (web server handing off managed request to custom scripts) with the
>> ONLY difference being the asynchronous nature of the request. Perhaps more
>> consideration might be given to how the CGI/HTTP protocols might be updated
>> to allow async communication.
> Rewriting the HTTP spec is not feasible and I'm not even convinced its a
> good idea. HTTP has always been request/response so it would make a lot more
> sense to simply use a new protocol then confuse millions of
> developers/administrators who thought they understood HTTP.

The HTTP spec has these features already:

1: Header: Connection: Keep-Alive
2: Status: HTTP 101 Switching Protocol

No need to rewrite the HTTP spec at all probably.

>> Having said that I still see a very strong use case for low-level
>> client-side TCP and UDP. There are ways to manage the security risks that
>> require further investigation. Even if it must be kept same-domain that is
>> better than creating a new protocol that won't work with existing services.
>> Even if that sounds like a feature - it isn't. There are better ways to
>> handle access-control for non-WebConnection devices than sending garbage to
>> the port.
> If we put the access control in anything but the protocol it means that we
> are relying on an external service for security, so it would have to be
> something that is completely locked down. I don't really see what the
> mechanism would be. Can you propose a method for doing this so as to allow
> raw tcp connections without security complications?

TCPConnections are only allowed to the server where the script was
downloaded from (same as Flash and Java applets). A DNS TXT record can
create a white list of servers whose scripts can connect. Also the
TCPConnection possibly should be allowed to connect to local network
resources, after a security warning - but only if the server has a
proper HTTPS certificate.

>> It's more harmful because an img tag (to my knowledge) cannot be used to
>> brute-force access, whereas a socket connection could. With the focus on
>> DDOS it is important to remember that these sockets will enable full
>> read/write access to arbitrary services whereas existing methods can only
>> write once per connection and generally not do anything useful with the
>> response.
> What do you mean by brute-force access, and how could the proposed protocol
> be used to do it. Can you provide an example?

With the security measures I suggest above, there is no need for
protection against brute force attacks. Most developers only use one
server per site, and those that have multiple servers will certainly
be able to add a TXT-record to the DNS.

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