On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Robert (Jamie) Munro wrote:
What's wrong with:

<label for="myfield">Instructions</label>
<input id="myfield" etc />
<label for="myfield" class="error"> Must be a valid  value</label>

Can an input not have 2 labels?

Thomas Broyer skrev:

Or even:
<label>Instructions <input etc> <strong class=error>Must be a valid

Both of these suggestions lack the precision, the semantics and the flexibility of my suggestion.

Vz Thomas B's solution:
- What if a designer wishes to have the error messages grouped together on the top of the page, instead of next to the input fields and manages to come up with a solution that is very usable? - For the default UA error messages to be inserted correctly it must honour the classname as a microformat. Since that must be spec'd, it might just as well be a real element.

Vz Robert M's solution:
- Where would the UA put a default error message, in the first or second label? - How could assistive technologies differentiate between normal instructions and specific errors?

Lars Gunther

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