On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 07:16:51 -0500, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, 2 Dec 2008, Michael A. Puls II wrote:

I'm talking about a UA associating mailto: links and mailto: form
submission with webmail clients (like Gmail for example) by whatever
means, just like UAs can do with Thunderbird for example.

This could be done with registerProtocolHandler, but the webmail would
have to accept a uri= in its compose URI query string and the function
(at least the internal one) couldn't be domain-restricted.

Gmail (and most webmails) currently don't support a uri=, but I have a
specific proposal for Gmail if I can find someone to submit it to.

GMail supports registerProtocolHandler, just use:


Cool thanks.

Anyway, goto
and click on the first link. If Gmail worked like that, it could totally
work around the '+' issue and support a registerProtocolHandler-like
function. Of course, Gmail could simply not decode + to ' ' for its to,
cc, bcc, body and su hvalues that it currently supports. Then though,
there'd still be a bunch of other webmails that'd need to do it also.
But, take a look at the source of the pages and the included JS. They
show the things that are necessary to implement parsing in a compatible
way and will help with your following question.

I'm very confused. registerProtocolHandler() says to escape the mailto:
URL, so no "+" characters make it through.

That's what I was saying.

If a tool is processing a mailto: URL manually converting it to an HTTP
URL, then it has to escape "+" characters too.

> Could you lay out the steps that take us from a form submission using a
> mailto: URL to an HTTPS request to GMail?

Maybe this will help:

Download <http://shadow2531.com/opera/userjs/BeforeMailtoURL.js> to a folder.
Edit it and set supportForms to true.

In Opera, goto tools -> preferences -> advanced -> content -> javascript
options and set your UserJS folder to the folder BeforeMailtoURL.js is in.

Log in to <http://mail.google.com/>.

Goto <http://shadow2531.com/opera/testcases/mailto/003-post.html> and
<http://shadow2531.com/opera/testcases/mailto/003.html> and click compose.

In BeforeMailtoURL.js, you can look at
"createMailtoURIFromEnabledFormControls(form)", "if (supportForms)", the
MailtoURIParser class and the format() function. And, look at the "if
(form.method == "post")" part to see how I convert '+' to "%2B" in the action attribute to avoid this problem. (Note that the way I parse the form isn't complete. Wish: Forms should have a generateDataset() so UAs can do if for

Right, if you convert a mailto: URL to an http: URL, you have to convert
the bytes to be in the right format. So what? That's not a bug, it's what
happens when you have different semantics in different formats and you
translate from one to another.

What I'm saying is that in this case, I shouldn't have to convert '+' to '%2B'. 
It should be part of of action attribute normalization so that it matches how 
control values are encoded. Basically, I was looking for consistency here.

For mailto:

<form action="mailto:?subject=1+2"; method="POST"></form>

should be like

<form action="mailto:"; method="GET"><input name="subject" value="1+2"></form>

in this case, where 1%2B2 is emitted for subject.

Converting '+' to %2B in the action attribute of the POST example doesn't 
violate the mailto URI spec any more than converting the '+' in the GET example 
to %2B.

But, since this can be avoided on the authoring side and on the implementation 
side, I'll leave it at that.



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