On Jan 11, 2009, at 14:01, Toby A Inkster wrote:

RDFa *does not* rely on XML namespaces. RDFa relies on eight attributes: about, rel, rev, property, datatype, content, resource and typeof. It also relies on a CURIE prefix binding mechanism. In XHTML and SVG, RDFa happens to use XML namespaces as this mechanism, because they already existed and they were convenient.

Convenience is debatable. In any case, it is rather disingenuous to say that RDFa doesn't rely on XML Namespaces when all that has been defined so far relies of attributes whose qname contains the substring "xmlns".

In non-XML markup languages, the route to define CURIE prefixes is still to be decided, though discussions tend to be leaning towards something like:

<html prefix="dc=http://purl.org/dc/terms/ foaf=http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ "> <address rel="foaf:maker" rev="foaf:made">This document was made by <a href="http://joe.example.com"; typeof="foaf:Person" rel="foaf:homepage" property="foaf:name">Joe Bloggs</a>.</address>

Unless this syntax were also used for XHTML, the above would be in violation of the DOM Consistency Design Principle of the W3C HTML WG.

This discussion seems to be about "should/can RDFa work in HTML5?" when in fact, RDFa already can and does work in HTML5 - there are approaching a dozen interoperable implementations of RDFa, the majority of which seem to handle non-XHTML HTML.

Those implementations violate the software implementation reuse principle that motivates the DOM Consistency Design Principle. (The software reuse principle being that the same code path be used for both HTML and XHTML on layers higher than the parser.)

The prefix mapping mechanism of CURIEs has been designed with disregard towards this software reuse principle (in use in Gecko, WebKit and, I gather, Presto) that should have been known to anyone working on Web-related specs far before "DOM Consistency" was written into the Design Principles of the HTML WG.

Henri Sivonen

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