On Jan 17, 2009, at 22:43, Shelley Powers wrote:

Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Jan 17, 2009, at 21:38, Shelley Powers wrote:

I'm not doubting the effort that went into getting MathML and SVG accepted. I've followed the effort associated with SVG since the beginning.

I'm not sure if the same procedure was also applied to the canvas object, as well as the SQL query capability. Will assume so.

Note that SVG, MathML and SQL have had different popularity trajectories in top four browser engines than RDF.

SVG is going up. At the time it was included in HTML5 (only to be commented out shortly thereafter), three of the top browser engines implemented SVG for retained-mode vector graphics and their SVG support was actively being improved. (One of the top four engines implemented VML, though.)

At the time MathML was included in HTML5, it was supported by Gecko with renewed investment into it as part of the Cairo migration. Also, Opera added some MathML features at that time. Thus, two of the top four engines had active MathML development going on. Further, one of the major MathML implementations is an ActiveX control for IE.

When SQL was included in HTML5, Apple (in WebKit) and Google (in Gears) had decided to use SQLite for this functionality. Even though Firefox doesn't have a Web-exposed database, Firefox also already ships with embedded SQLite. At that point it would have been futile for HTML5 to go against the flow of implementations.

The story of RDF is very different. Of the top four engines, only Gecko has RDF functionality. It was implemented at a time when RDF was a young W3C REC and stuff that were W3C RECs were implemented less critically than nowadays. Unlike SVG and MathML, the RDF code isn't actively developed (see hg logs). Moreover, the general direction seems to be away from using RDF data sources in Firefox internally.

Now wait a second, you're changing the parameters of the requirements.

I'm explaining how SVG, MathML and SQL are different from RDF(a) in a way that's very relevant to the practice of including stuff in the spec.

Before, the criteria was based on the DOM. Now you're saying that the browsers actually have to do with something with it.

Who is to say what the browsers will do with RDF in the future?

http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2008-August/016045.html is a message where one of the editors of RDFa mentions RDFa together with "client-side tools like Ubiquity". That Ubiquity is a Firefox extension rather than part of the core feature set is an implementation detail. I read this as envisioning browser-sensitivity to RDFa.

In addition, is that the criteria for pages on the web -- that every element in them has to result in different behaviors in browsers, only?

No. However, most of the time, when people publish HTML, they do it to elicit browser behavior when a user loads the HTML document in a browser.

Meanwhile, the feed example you gave--RSS 1.0--shows how the feed spec community knowingly moved away from RDF with RSS 2.0 and Atom. Furthermore, RSS 1.0 usually isn't parsed into an RDF graph but is treated as XML instead. If RSS 1.0 is evidence, it's evidence *against* RDF.

The point I'm making is that you set a precedent, and a good one I think: giving precedence to "not invented here". In other words, to not re-invent new ways of doing something, but to look for established processes, models, et al already in place, implemented, vetted, etc, that solve specific problems. Now that you have accepted a use case, Martin's, and we've established that RDFa solves the problem associated with the use case, the issue then becomes is there another data model already as vetted, documented, implemented that would better solve the problem.

Clearly, RDFa wasn't properly vetted--as far as the desire to deploy it in text/html goes--when the outcome was that it ended up using markup that doesn't parse into the DOM the same way in HTML and XML.

SVG and MathML were both created as XML, and hence were not vetted for text/html, either. And yet, here they are. Well, here they'll be, eventually.

Actually, the creators of MathML had the good sense and foresight to avoid name collisions with HTML even after Namespaces theoretically gave them a permission not to care.

Unlike the creators of RDFa, the creators of SVG weren't pushing for inclusion in HTML5 or saying that it's OK to serve their XML as text/ html--quite the contrary. And the integration would have been nicer if the SVG WG had had the same prudence as the Math WG.

Come to that -- I don't think the creators of SQL actually ever expected that someday SQL queries would be initiated from HTML pages.

I don't see the creators of SQL asking for the inclusion of their stuff in HTML after building on another spec that is well-known to be trouble with HTML (Namespaces in XML in the RDFa case).

Henri Sivonen

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