On Jan 18, 2009, at 8:43 AM, Shelley Powers wrote:

Take you guys seriously...OK, yeah.

I don't doubt that the work will be challenging, or problematical. I'm not denying Henri's claim. And I didn't claim to be the one who would necessarily come up with the solutions, either, but that I would help in those instances that I could.

What I did express in the later emails, is what others have expressed who have asked about RDFa in HTML5: are we wasting our time even trying? That it seems like a decision has already been made, and we're spinning our wheels even attempting to find solutions. There's a difference between not being willing to negotiate, compromise, work the problem, and just spitting into the wind for no good.

Based on past experience, I would say that you are not wasting your time. Evidence-based arguments, explication of use cases, solutions to technical problems, persuading third parties, and getting implementation traction (for example in popular JavaScript libraries, major browser engines, popular authoring/publishing software) will all affect how a feature is seen.

As past examples, allowing XML-like self-closing tag syntax for void elements in text/html, and ability to include SVG inline in text/html, are both features that were highly controversial and at times opposed by the editor and others. Nontheless we seem to be on track to have both of these in the spec. Note that in the case of SVG especially, the path from initial proposal to rough consensus to actual integration with the spec was a long one. In fact, integration in the spec is not yet fully complete due to some disputes about the details of the syntax. Another example is the "headers" attribute, and the more general issue of header association in tables. Though the "headers" attribute was controversial and once opposed by the editor, it is now in the spec.

I believe that most of us here, while we may have our biases and preconceptions, will evaluate concrete technical arguments in good faith, and are prepared to change our minds. The fact is that people have changed positions in the past, Ian included. So nothing should be assumed to be a done deal, especially at this early stage of exploring metadata embedding and RDFa.

However, the debate ended as soon as Ian re-asserted his authority.

Ian just gave an indication of when he's going to work on this again. That doesn't mean that research into e.g. DOM consistency can't happen meanwhile. It also doesn't mean that debate needs to stop.

No, Ian's listing of tasks pretty much precluded any input into the decision making process other than his own. I never see "we" when Ian writes, I only see "I".

Ian intends to make an evaluation based on evidence and arguments presented. Presenting such evidence and arguments is input into the decision making process. That's how other changes to the spec that went against Ian's initial gut instinct happened. Indeed it is possible for Ian to be overruled if he is clearly blocking the consensus of the group(*), but so far that has not been necessary, even on controversial issues.

I encourage you to provide input into the process, and not to get too frustrated if the process is not quick. Nor by the fact that some may initially (or even finally, when all is said and done) disagree with you.


* - The HTML WG can take a vote which is binding at least in the W3C context or remove Ian as editor; and the WHATWG oversight group can remove Ian as editor or pressure him by virtue of having the authority to remove him.

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