On Thu, 07 May 2009 17:34:21 +0200, James Graham <jgra...@opera.com> wrote:

Bruce Lawson wrote:
I'm struggling to understand the reasons for <hgroup>: wouldn't one or
more h1..h6 elements wrapped in the same <header> imply just such a
grouping without the need for such an element?
 To illustrate my query, what is the difference between
<h1>HTML 5</h1>
<h2>a new era of loveliness</h2>
<nav> ... </nav>
<h1>HTML 5</h1>
<h2>a new era of loveliness</h2>
<nav> ... </nav>

<hgroup> affects the document structure, <header> does not. So if you made an outline view of your document, the examples above would look (with the addition of a <hx> element inside the nav with content "Navigation") like

+--HTML 5
    +--A new era of loveliness

Actually I believe it would be:

+--HTML 5
   +--A new era of loveliness

This surprised me when I used implicit sections and just wrapped <article>s around news 
items (which were <h3>s). I expected the outline to be like it was without the 

+--Site heading
  +--Page heading
     +--News item

...but instead it became (according to your and gsnedders' outliners):

+--Site heading
  +--Page heading
  +--News item

Maybe the spec should change here to match people's expectations better?

+--HTML 5 - a new era of loveliness

So, in the first example "A new era of loveliness" is a real section heading and the navigation becomes a subsection of that section. In the second example the <hgroup> element tells us that the <h1> and <h2> elements form a heading-subheading pair and that the navigation is a subsection of the section headed by this heading/subheading pair.

Is that any clearer?

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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