On Fri, 08 May 2009 00:58:21 +0200, Simon Pieters <sim...@opera.com> wrote:

Actually I believe it would be:

+--HTML 5
    +--A new era of loveliness

This surprised me when I used implicit sections and just wrapped <article>s around news items (which were <h3>s). I expected the outline to be like it was without the <article>:

+--Site heading
   +--Page heading
      +--News item

...but instead it became (according to your and gsnedders' outliners):

+--Site heading
   +--Page heading
   +--News item

Maybe the spec should change here to match people's expectations better?

<zcorpan_> hmm i wonder how <hgroup> messes up implicit sections
<zcorpan_> maybe <hgroup> should have the same rank as its highest child h* 
element instead of always having rank 1
<zcorpan_> so you can do 
<zcorpan_> where baz is a subsection of bar
<Hixie> non-issue in practice, imho, <hgroup> is almost always going to be the 
first heading
<Hixie> and the rest of the time, people can use <section>
<Hixie> no?
<zcorpan_> would be nice if it worked as people expect when using implied 
<Hixie> i guess
<Hixie> ...send mail :-)

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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