On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 10:28:14 +0200, Dr. Markus Walther <walt...@svox.com> wrote:


The .start/.end properties were dropped in favor of media fragments,
which the Media Fragments Working Group is producing a spec for.

Who decided this? Has this decision been made public on this list?

It happened in November 2008:


This is the specific spec change:


It will
be something like http://www.example.com/movie.mov#t=12.33,21.16

var audioObject = new Audio();
// play entire audio
// play (0.54328,0.72636) media fragment

See http://www.w3.org/2008/01/media-fragments-wg.html and

Did you look at these yourself? I couldn't find something that
approaches a spec of comparable quality to WHATWG in these pages.

Implementation (should) always comes before spec and there is no implementation yet. Given the simplicity of the most basic syntax, I am not at all worried by the lack of a proper spec yet.

Is there any provision for the dynamic case, where you want to change
the media fragment after it has been loaded, with zero server
interaction, and working for data URIs as well?

You can change the fragment with scripts at any time you want followed by load()/play(). data URI's with fragments are perfectly valid as far as I can see. The rest is up to proper implementation (caching).

Actually, out of curiousity: could gapless concatenation of several
audio objects be added as well, e.g.


or even


There has been much discussion about audio "canvas" API:s and I trust
this could fit into that scope.

As the 'inventor' of the term, I am of course familiar with the
discussion - here I was merely adding an item to the wishlist.

View source at
and search for "v2" and you'll find some of these ideas.

Could these be lifted from hidden HTML comments to something with better
visibility somehow?

I agree that would be nice, perhaps on http://wiki.whatwg.org/ ?

Philip Jägenstedt
Opera Software

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