2009-09-29 21:53, Dean Edwards skrev:
Can't we just invent some new elements? We've already created 20 new
ones. Two more won't hurt. :)

This has been discussed on the HTML5 WG list to death.

- figure IS new
- details IS new


over a few peoples dead bodies it seem, that we should add one or two new elements to make them work that would be:

- intuitive and easy to teach
- semantically clear

and that would have:

- zero technical problems
- no added costs for browser makers to implement, since it would be done in conjunction with figure and details as such anyway

Instead we have a "solution" that:

- currently requires weird and fragile hacks
- redefines the semantics of existing elements

Just because adding elements is "evil".

I actually do not know what argument that could sway peoples minds on this issue. It is beyond reason to me. I mean, it is not as if the dt/dd had been carefully discussed and researched BEFORE it entered the spec... Something I thought was a criterion for inclusion.

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)

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