On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Rob Ennals <rob.enn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes. I think that *any* DOM operation, including getElementById should
> be allowed to release the storage mutex. If we start specifying
> particular categories of API that do or do not release the mutex then
> thing will just get confusing, or we will find that we have missed
> something important.

"Allowed to release" or "must release"?

If it's "allowed to release" then that's not really helping that much
since in the end different implementations might still do different
things, causing incompatibilities.

If "must release" then I have no idea how to implement that. There are
hundreds of API entry points, and I really don't want to add code to
release the mutex in each and every one of them. Both for code sanity
reasons, and for performance reasons.

/ Jonas

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