On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 23:08:43 +0100, Olli Pettay <olli.pet...@helsinki.fi> wrote:
On 3/24/10 11:33 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
I guess I'm unclear on whether bufferedAmount should return:

1. the sum of the count of characters sent?
    (what would we do when we add binary?)

I believe this is actually what we want.
If web developer sends a string which is X long,
bufferedAmount should report X.

And when we add binary, if buffer which has size Y is
sent, that Y is added to bufferedAmount.

The reason why I'd like it to work this way is that
IMO scripts should be able to check whether the data
they have posted is actually sent over the network.

Wait, so when you pass a DOMString you add the number of 16-bit units and when you pass a ByteArray (or whatever we end up calling it) you add the number of bytes?

I think what also matters here is how the protocol will evolve. Is it that expectation that send(DOMString) can eventually send very different things over the wire depending on how the server reacts to the initial handshake request? How do the various options we have evaluate against the potential scenarios coming out of that?

Anne van Kesteren

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