On Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:35:19 +0100, Olli Pettay <olli.pet...@helsinki.fi> wrote:
On 3/25/10 4:25 PM, Niklas Beischer wrote:
Easy. The bufferedAmount is: "The amount of bytes waiting to be
transferred, including protocol overhead".
That doesn't define exactly what the bufferedAmount means and what
kinds of values are expected.
What I'd expect the API to tell me is, for example, that if I call
ws.send(foo), and nothing is yet sent over the network, what is the
exact value of bufferedAmount.
Again, I'd really wish to keep the API to work reasonable similar
way as XHR+progress events where protocol overhead isn't reported.

Why? Progress events are completely different from this. This is about not saturating the network with too much data; it makes sense if the actual amount of data that is going to hit the network is known. (Yes, I changed my mind.)

Anne van Kesteren

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