On 2010-07-31 04:17, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
On 7/30/10 9:57 PM, Roger Hågensen wrote:
<a href="stuff.zip" download>This defaults to application/octet-stream
and clicking the link will behave as if the user selected Save As from
UI context menu!</a>

I would object to implementing this. I have no problem putting up a dialog asking the user whether to save or open in a helper app, but I see no reason why I should force saving on the user, as a browser developer. If the user wants to open your zip in a zip reader, why shouldn't he?


When I say the "Save As" UI I mean the one you get currently, which varies, some browsers only provide a Save As and Cancel, while others provide Save As with Open and Cancel. So based on your remarks, maybe the spec could state that if a browser believe it can handle the file type then it should present a Open + Save As UI, but if it can not handle the filetype (aka handling un-configured or the user set the browser's settings this way) then it should just present Save As without Open.

So thanks for pointing that out, as I actually have been annoyed in the past with how different browsers do downloads UIs, and this time we can actually establish expected default UI behavior from the ground up (however the user should still be able to alter settings to change the default behavior, and ther is nothing preventing a Browser maker from enhancing the UI even further.).

Roger "Rescator" Hågensen.
Freelancer - http://EmSai.net/

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