I'm really not too sure what pre-existing problem this actually solves.
Given that a server sets the correct mime-types for a given resource, we
know what "type" it is already.

Setting the Content-disposition on the client side creates an annoying user

If I want to open a link in a new tab, window or download, I'll do it like I
have done for the last ten years—via a keyboard modifier or a contextual

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Jeremy Keith <jer...@adactio.com> wrote:

> Dennis wrote:
> > I have an idea which would be very cool for HTML5.
> >
> > Having a Content-Disposition property on <a> tags which does the same as
> > the HTTP Header.
> > For example changing the file name of the file to be downloaded or rather
> > have a image
> > file download rather than it being shown in the browser directly.
> Hang on... isn't the mechanism for this already available via the "type"
> attribute?
> For example:
> <a href="/path/to/image.jpg" type="image/jpeg">Full size image</a>
> A browser could offer a preference setting, for example:
> "Always download the following types of files, rather than opening in the
> browser:
> * images        [x]
> * movies                [  ]
> ...etc."
> --
> Jeremy Keith
> a d a c t i o
> http://adactio.com/

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