On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 1:37 PM, Simon Fraser <s...@me.com> wrote:

> On Aug 5, 2010, at 5:56 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Simon Fraser <s...@me.com> wrote:
> >  * void cancelFullScreen()
>> I think "exit" would be better than "cancel".
> The only problem with "exit" is that you might call it when you're not
> actually in fullscreen state, since requests are asynchronous. I think of it
> more as cancelling the request than actually forcing a change.
> That explains the method name, but I think the most common usage will be to
> exit fullscreen, rather than to cancel a recent request to enter fullscreen.

Sure. But I still want to convey that this is a request, not a command. In
Gecko I'd like to ensure that if a user activated fullscreen via browser UI,
cancelFullScreen will be ignored.

> Why don't requestFullScreen()/requestFullScreenWithKeys() return
>> a boolean value indicating whether the UA will allow the request
>> to proceed? The author has no information about whether fullscreen
>> is going to happen after making this call, and UAs will certainly
>> want to deny fullscreen in various situations.
> The UA may not be able to make a decision synchronously. Permitting
> asynchronous decisions about whether to permit fullscreen was a key goal
> here. For example that gives UAs the option of presenting passive
> confirmation UI.
> Right. However, I think we need a "fullscreenDenied" event in that case, so
> the author is informed that their request failed for whatever reason. The
> most common cause of failure may be that the UA doesn't allow it (e.g.
> WebKit may make this opt-in for embedding applications, so calling this API
> in your RSS reader would result in a denied request).

It's probably worth having such an event, but there will be times when
neither fullscreendenied or fullscreenchanged are fired. I hope authors
don't write apps that break in such cases.

> I'd like to see the proposal fleshed out to address the following
>> scenarios:
>> * the document is fullscreen, and navigation happens
> * the document is fullscreen, and the content calls requestFullScreen()
>>  again (possibly with a different element, possibly inside an iframe).
> I think the spec needs to at least say what happens here. Does the second
> call change the fullscreen element to the new element, or is it simply
> ignored?

The spec says that the fullscreen element is changed.

> * the document is fullscreen, and the fullscreen element is removed
>>  from the DOM
> In this case I think you'd either exit fullscreen, or update the
> pseudostyles to make the document element the new fullscreen element.

The spec currently says that in this case, no element gets the :fullscreen
pseudostyle. I don't see any problem with that. This isn't something useful
for authors to do, so I don't think it really matters what we do here as
long as the result is well-defined and there aren't security issues.

> * the document is fullscreen, and the fullscreen element has
>>  display:none set on it.
> I guess the window just goes blank in this case?

No, you'll see the page laid out in the viewport.

> * consideration of whether the fullscreen API can be called at
>>  any time (risk of "drive-by-fullscreening").
> We've talked before about limiting the API so fullscreen can only be
> entered in response to a user event, and I still think that's sensible.

It is sensible, and we should recommend that behavior, but it may not make
sense for some UAs/UIs so I don't think it should be a hard requirement. Do
we specify popup blocking behavior anywhere? This is just like that.

> Done. In most of those cases, nothing special happens. That is intentional;
> for example, I think trying to special-case handling of display:none or
> focus would quickly add a lot of complexity.
> Are you saying that the spec should not prescribe these behaviors? I think
>  the UA should be permitted to exit fullscreen in certain scenarios if it
> deems that necessary for security reasons, as we've discussed before:
> <
> http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2010-January/024897.html
> >

The spec is completely clear that UAs are allowed to exit fullscreen at any
time, for any of the reasons mentioned in your email or for any other

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they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures
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