Controlling the rendering of content, e.g. as being full-screen or not, is 
a presentation-specific concern (e.g. it doesn't even apply to a speech- 
based browser, with no loss of features to the user), so the right place 
to specify it is something like CSSOM, not HTML. Thus, I haven't added 
anything to the HTML spec.

Having said that:

On Sun, 20 Jun 2010, Mike Wilcox wrote:
> [...] Finally, in reference to the CSSOM Ian, I'm not sure this is what 
> you are referring to, but another solution to the fullscreen issue is if 
> the browser default controls could be styled with CSS. This would be a 
> real win-win, as we could have our secure fullscreen button (as 
> implemented in Webkit but not Firefox strangely) and also have a faster 
> path to custom controls.

By CSSOM, I mean a separate specification, specifically one from the 
family of specifications that Anne is working on:

...though my understanding is that Anne doesn't have the bandwidth to take 
this on right now (this may be less of a problem if Robert's proposal can 
just be taken wholesale, though).

> While I would guess this would be a CSSOM issue, it seems that it would 
> still be a recommendation by WHATWG.

If anyone would like to volunteer to edit such a specification, I would be 
more than happy to help set that up. Anne would probably also be happy to 
help, in particular with regard to coordinating with the CSS working group 
(who are nominally in charge of this particular area).

On Thu, 5 Aug 2010, Simon Fraser wrote:
> This is feedback on the Mozilla FullScreen API proposal here: 
> <>

This proposal seems essentially sound.

If this is the direction we go in, I'll be happy to add onfullscreenchange 
to the list of event handlers.

One comment: Rather than adding an "allowfullscreen" attribute on 
<iframe>, I would suggest just assuing that sandboxed content (i.e. 
content of iframes with the sandbox="" attribute) can't go fullscreen. I 
can provide a sandbox flag for this state. If we think there are use cases 
for allowing sandboxed iframes to go fullscreen, then I can also add a 
keyword that turns off the flag when present (like "allow-scripts" does 
for scripts). (I'm assuming there are no cases for disabling fullscreen 
for unsandboxed iframes; are there?)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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