In HTML5, a URL (or a set of URLs) point at what you want the user-agent to 
display.  From the spec's point of view, you can insert any protocol (that can 
be described by a URL) in there.  You'll need it to be supported by your 
user-agent, of course.

On Sep 21, 2010, at 12:15 , Pedro Fernandes Steimbruch wrote:

> I don't know if it might be a noob question, maybe becouse I am noob. hehe
> I work in a company that do live video streaming. We are using the rtmp 
> protocol to do this streaming. My question is about how HTML5 handles 
> streaming. Is there already a specific solution in HTML5 for this kind of 
> streaming?
> Thank you!

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

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