Henri Sivonen wrote:
In HTML5, a URL (or a set of URLs) point at what you want the
user-agent to display. From the spec's point of view, you can insert
any protocol (that can be described by a URL) in there. You'll need it
to be supported by your user-agent, of course.

In practice, live streaming works with HTTP and either Ogg or WebM in at least 
Firefox and Opera (maybe Chromium, too), since Ogg and WebM don't require the 
length of the video to be known in advance.

If you're interested in live streaming from your webcam you should check out Ericsson's experimentation with <device> and <video>: https://labs.ericsson.com/blog/beyond-html5-conversational-voice-and-video-implemented-webkit-gtk

The toolchain with HTML5 technologies is <device> to <video> to Web Sockets. The HTML Device draft [1] is still very much in its infancy but hopefully not too far around the corner.

- Rich

[1] http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-device/

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