The spec states for submission of datetime controls that the value must be expressed in the UTC time-zone. It's not clear whether this requires the formatted string to state the timezone as an uppercase "Z" or "+00:00", or whether either is acceptable.

Most of the examples illustrate the use of the "Z", but elsewhere in the spec, following the definition of the valid global date and time string, it recommends against using the Z.

  "The *best representation of the global date and time string* datetime
   is the valid global date and time string representing datetime, with
   the valid time string component being given in its shortest possible
   form, with the last character of the string not being a U+005A LATIN
   CAPITAL LETTER Z character (Z), even if the time zone is UTC, and
   with a U+002B PLUS SIGN character (+) representing the sign of the
   time-zone offset when the time zone is UTC."


(Note that the spec defines this "best representation..." term, but never actually uses it anywhere. It's not clear what the purpose of that definition is.)

Opera has always submitted the value with a "Z" and not +00:00, and we would prefer not to change this for backwards compatibility and ease of parsing on the server side. The spec should define in the value sanitization algorithm for the date and time time state, to express the UTC time-zone using a "Z".


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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