18.07.2011 01:18, Bjartur Thorlacius wrote:

Titles of works are often more useful in the long run than URLs. URLs
change far too often when sites are revamped or for other reasons.

ISBNs are more useful in the long run than titles. Good titles get
reused far too often.

ISBNs have their uses (otherwise they wouldn’t be used), but they are codes, not names—suitable for use as unique identifiers, not in marketing and discussions. A quality quotation has credits that mention author, book title, book ISBN, and location within book. All this can be done in printed publications without any links or markup. So the adequate question is: which markup (if any) should we use for and within the credits?

I haven’t seen many attempts to address this question. Maybe it’s not that crucial, as proper credits work without markup too—markup could just be very useful enhancement. But <blockquote> as a semantic element is wishful thinking then.

HTML5 is currently making this a bit worse by explicitly forbidding <blockquite> from containing anything that doesn’t come from the external source, such as credits—without even telling how to deal with credits then.

I think a good start would be to add an optional (but usually
recommended) <credits> or <source> element for use inside <blockquote>.

What about the common case of multiple quotations credited to the same
source (interleaved with comments).

People solve such issues every day when writing books and articles, using references to previous mentions of sources. At the shortest, “op. cit.” In hypertext, the reference can be made to a link.

Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/

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