Le 8 juil. 2011 à 07:20, Jeremy Keith a écrit :
> 1) Oli has shown the real-world use cases for attribution *within* 
> blockquotes.

using that for years (almost every day), an example

<blockquote cite="urn:isbn:978-2-07-07533-7">
    <p>Sur un pétale de lotus, j'écrivis ces quelques vers :</p>
    <p>« <q>Même si l'on vient me chercher<br/>
        Comment, abandonnant la rosée<br/>
        De pareil lotus,<br/>
        Dans le monde changeant et frivole ?</q> »</p>
    <p>et j'envoyais ce pétale.</p>
    <p class="source">
        <cite class="auteur">Shonagon, Sei</cite>, 
        <cite class="titre">Notes de chevet</cite>, p.64, Unesco, NRF, 1966.</p>

mentioned here 

My favorite issue being when there is a mix of cite in the prose and 
blockquotes, there is no mechanism to associate the right cite with the right 
blockquote and this is happening often when you write about things referring to 
different sources.

Karl Dubost - http://dev.opera.com/
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

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