
The drafted specs defines most of the common features of contentEditable,
but there are other commands that have been left out


IE used to had a bunch of poorly documented commands, but the important part
for me is that those extra commands might enable some behaviors that are too
hard to emulate by javascript, and if they can be added to the spec, then
hopefully they will be available in the future for all the users.

One basic example is resizing. Currently Webkit browsers doesn't allow the
user to resize a picture, table,.. that it's placed in the contents. Some
people might not want that behavior at all, others might prefer to enable it
only for tables but not images, and I think that instead of putting that
burden on the javascript editor, it should be the browser the one that takes
care of that with a basic command to turn it on/off and then firing the
needed events when something like a resize starts or ends like IE does.


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