On Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:40:20 +0100, Paul Kinlan <paulkin...@google.com> wrote:
I would like to add that we also had a long discussion about trying to
re-use the meta element for specifying intents.

The syntax was something like:
<meta name="intent-action" content="http://webintents.org/share"; />
<meta name="intent-type" content="image/*" />

* declarative
* use's existing tags so no changes to html spec

* no multiplicity - can't define multiple intents on the page without
complex encoding in the content attribute
* programmatically adding an intent into a page is very hard because
there are two tags.  The UA can't decide when to throw up the prompt
to grant access to install the web app as an intent handler.

You could also have

<meta name="intent" content="http://webintents.org/share image/*">

or some such. Splitting a string on spaces and using the result is not that hard and a common pattern. And seems like a much better alternative than changing the HTML parser. Especially changing the way <head> is parsed is hairy. Every new element we introduce there will cause a <body> to be implied before it in down-level clients. That's very problematic.

Anne van Kesteren

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