On 1.2.2012 5:14, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
2012/1/31 Bronislav Klučka <bronislav.klu...@bauglir.com <mailto:bronislav.klu...@bauglir.com>>

    On 1.2.2012 1:36, Ian Hickson wrote:

            I am not interested in the argument that "It is just too
            Browsers already allow people to download executables with
            a couple
            clicks, not to mention install privileged browser add-ons.
            Enough said.

        Well, in all fairness, browsers and operating systems are
        going out of
        their way to make this harder and harder. Some (e.g. iOS,
        ChromeOS) make
        it essentially impossible now, others (e.g. Android) require
        you to
        explicitly opt-in to an obscure developer mode feature before
        allowing it,
        others (e.g. MacOS, Windows) keep track of where files were
        obtained from
        and give dire warnings before running apps from the Web.

    And you have apparently no idea how annoying this is, I cannot
    even imagine a car being built
    with this constant paranoia in mind.

OF COURSE cars are built with these "constant paranoias". Just google "seat belts" and "airbags" along with all other safely systems modern cars implement for passengers. And many countries limit the maximum speed of cars (manufacturers impose these restrictions by artificially limiting the maximum speed) so that they can't drive beyond certain speed.

    because, well, you might get killed in car... so no one will ever
    drive in a car anymore...

And these safely systems and regulations are imposed upon drivers in order to ensure the safety of the drivers themselves and others. Without them, drivers have to put extraordinary efforts to gauge the safety of cars they purchase and make necessary modifications in order to feel safe driving them. Furthermore, cars without necessary safely systems may end up increasing the motility rate of car accidents.

    Let people have their own responsibility for what they do! This is
    like the lamest reasoning ever,
    the approach of "we will protect you even against your will"...
    man this sounds like really scary politicians out there...

Your reasoning is seriously flawed at best.

    The fact, that people are giving permission to operation they do
    not care to find information about to some program/site
    they know nothing about... Well it's their choice...

The problem is that most of users don't understand what they're signing up for. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhIlTB84-Ho

- Ryosuke

Thank you for making my point... twice... FileApi... I simply cannot ride that car... fine, there's no direct access to whole disc, I hate the idea, but I can live with that, can I at least have full access to directory of user's choice? No. Sockets? Can I run this car? no, I have to put a horse ahead to have a feeling that car is actually going somewhere etc, etc... And we are not discussing forbidding people to letting themselves being slaves (or sell their souls), we are discussing here forbidding knife, because who cares how useful in might be for so many people, some people might get hurt by violence of others or incompetence of themselves. No one is questioning some line being drawn somewhere, I'm discussing where it's being drawn...

Web technologies are the holy grail of programming language, the ultimate answer to eternal question: "easy multiplatform language".

My dream is to actually have a high level application platform being able to run "anywhere". Yeah, I know about Java, .NET/Mono, Object Pascal... I actually do write multiplatform applications in .NET/Mono, and Object Pascal... fine as languages, but considering the multiplatform feature... all pretty much a failure (do not get me wrong, it can be done in those platforms, but given the potential here)... Still I'm being drawn to this little language called ECMAScript, presentation/definition potentials of CSS/HTML... Imagine how much fun this could be with web technologies... you just run browser of your choice anywhere you want, you run an application of your choosing (and anywhere you are, always the same), you can manage your remote data, if you want them remote, you can manage local data, if you want them local (that is the very point of everything I wrote so far)... It would be so easy and we are so close.... Java Applets suck it :). Why do I need to turn on Delphi or Visual Studio to program desktop application? Why can't I just use web technologies within browser and then only wrap data interface around some store/retrieve mechanism (local, remote)? Well, it can be done locally, sure... all you need to do is install web / web socket server on local computer itself, write server side of that application... Just imagine it... no platform porting, changing desktop application to remote application in a matter of hours, having remote servers only when you need them...

Web technologies are the holy grail of programming language, the ultimate answer to eternal question: "easy multiplatform language".


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