On 2/3/12 3:07 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:
OK.  I have no serious problem with a "beforeprocess" event that fires
before processing the response, esp. if "processing" is defined in a
page-visible way (so e.g. you could still compile a script in the
background before firing "beforeprocess"; you just couldn't run it).

I don't have an objection to adding a cancelable bubbling event that fires
synchronously as part of the "execute a script block" algorithm, between
the current steps 1 and 2 of "if the load was successful", which gets the
URL of the script, targetted at the script, which if canceled cancels the
execution of the script.

Does any browser have an event like that already? If not, any opinions on
an event name?<script onbeforerun="">?

Gecko has a "beforescriptexecute" event. It's a simple event targeted at the element; there's no reason to include the URI, since that can be gotten off the element. I believe calling preventDefault() on it will prevent the script from executing.

I also believe that we have proposed this for standardization in the past, though it seems to have fallen through the cracks a bit...

But note that this is script-specific; I believe that content-blocker use cases would want this for images, stylesheets, etc.


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