On Jan 10, 2012, at 10:59 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> On 1/10/12 1:54 PM, Darin Adler wrote:
>> On Jan 10, 2012, at 8:43 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>>> So in WebKit this event is only good for preventing _processing_ of the 
>>> data in the page (e.g. preventing the script from executing when the target 
>>> is a<script>) but not much use for preventing loads, even if some people 
>>> seem to think that it is.
>> That’s a bug in the current implementation that we are working on fixing.
> If I might ask, how do you plan to fix it without at least breaking 
> speculative loads in the presence of beforeload handlers?  I just don't see 
> how WebKit's current event setup can be used without doing that, because it 
> requires the relevant DOM node to exist.

Good question, and I don’t know. I’ll try to find someone who does know.

-- Darin

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