On 2/4/12 12:30 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 23:35:45 +0100, Charles Pritchard <ch...@jumis.com> wrote:
I'd like to see scrollTop and scrollLeft supported for the Canvas element. They would simply fire an onscroll event on the element, and do nothing else. Many Canvas UIs use only one visible canvas layer, or otherwise, one main canvas layer.

That would require special casing <canvas> in http://dev.w3.org/csswg/cssom-view/#scroll-an-element which I'm not sure is a good idea. Why don't you just dispatch a synthetic scroll event?

Does the scroll event carry x/y information?

I agree, this is a special case for canvas -- the precedent set by <input type=text> is that form controls may have separate scroll semantics.

My proposal is not thought-out all the way, but I'm hoping it can float.

The idea here is to enable scroll with limited height/width canvas layer to work well.

This is going to be useful for context.scrollPathIntoView as well as simply running Element.scrollIntoView on elements within the Canvas sub-tree.

Currently, the scroll* attributes in Canvas are read only and set to zero. So, I think there is room to support them in the future.


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